While many women understand the benefits of massages, they often feel apprehensive about receiving massages during pregnancy, fearing it may endanger their unborn child. However, massages can actually be advantageous during pregnancy and postpartum. For instance, massages can alleviate postpartum depression by promoting relaxation and providing a sense of pampering. 

They can also help improve gastrointestinal function, providing relief from colic, constipation, and gas in both parents and infants. Moreover, during the teething phase, facial massages can reduce pain and discomfort by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain relievers. Additionally, massages can lower cortisol levels, which is the stress hormone, further reducing stress levels in both parents and infants.

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Pre & Postnatal Massage Services & Benefits

Prenatal Massage

  • Reduces fatigue & back pain
  • Reduces leg cramps, swelling & water retention
  • Improves blood circulations & promotes relaxation

Postnatal Massage

  • Promotes milk production & prevent engorgement Promotes healing to uterus pre-pregnancy state Reduce water retention & regains pre-pregnancy body

Lactation Massage

  • Improves breastfeeding letdown & release fatty hindmilk faster
  • Stimulates your uterus to contract, which helps body return to its pre-pregnancy shape
  • Increase milk production & prevent clogged ducts

Aromatherapy Massage

  • Reduction of stress & anxiety, decrease in muscle tension & pain relieve
  • Reduce the symptoms of depression, control the inflammation & help with headaches

Baby Massage

  • Encourages positive bonding
  • Enhance baby’s development & enable their digestive system to function efficiently
  • Can ease colic, constipation or trapped wind